Roof Top Incision
This Patient, 40 years old male, had surgery for Complication of Pancreatitis (Pancreatic Necrosectomy), two years back.
It was done through “roof-top” incision. Though he recovered from this major surgery, he developed an “INCISIONAL HERNIA” with a very wide defect (10 cm) Pic 1 (Before Surgery). This type of hernia is very difficult to treat as it is close to bony structures like ribs. However we did Open PCS-TAR (Posterior Component Separation- Transverse Abdominal Release), a complex repair in which we could close the wide defect & inserted a big mesh (30x30 cm) mesh to avoid recurrence. Patient had a smooth recovery, discharged on the fourth day & recovered within two weeks Pic 2 (After Surgery).